Have You Thought of Fasting?

Are you looking for an answer to a specific question? Do you want to find peace in your hectic life? Does your daily personal prayer and scripture study seem a bit sluggish? Have you considered fasting as a way to improve your spiritual clarity? Fasting really is a blessing, a chance that we have to bring our spiritual side into sharper focus. When we are looking for an answer to a problem, praying for someone else or looking for a way to increase our spirituality, fasting can help us do all of those things. Often people fail to realize that … Continue reading

Fasting with a Purpose

Fasting each month is a way that each member can improve his spirituality. One thing that helps to make fasting more effective is to have a purpose while fasting. This helps you to focus your prayers and your thoughts while fasting. It can also help you listen to the Spirit for guidance. Here are four ideas on topics that you may consider making the focus of your fast. 1) You can fast to receive guidance and/or help for a problem that you are facing. This could be with your job, finances, a relationship or concern for a child. Many of … Continue reading

The Benefits of Fasting

The last two days I have written about the negative side effects of doing a detoxification diet. In essence, your body is well designed to detox on its own, and forcing a detox of the colon, will force all of the good bacteria out of your body as well. Not to mention the fact that diarrhea can upset the balance of electrolytes, potassium, and other nutrients needed in your body. If you’re trying to clean up your act and you really want to healthily cleanse your system, the best way to do it is by drinking plenty of water and … Continue reading

Five Tips on Fasting

Fasting is a wonderful blessing that we can choose to partake of. When I was younger I hated fasting. I would count the hours until I could eat again. I was always focused on what I was giving up instead of what I was gaining. As an adult I have had some wonderful experiences. My approach to fasting changed drastically, as I grew older. Here are five tips to make the most of your fasting. 1) You should have a purpose for you fast. This makes your fast more meaningful. Fasting can help you to find insight because your body … Continue reading

Why Does My Body Need Biotin?

Call it vitamin B7 or vitamin H: biotin is a B-complex vitamin that is important for a bunch of different metabolic functions in the body. What does biotin do in the body? Get comfy: it’s gonna be quite a list. Biotin is used in cell growth, synthesizing fatty acids (those are the good ones!), and metabolizing a particular amino acid (leucine). Biotin is also important in the process of converting food into energy, known as the Krebs cycle. One more thing: biotin helps in the transfer of carbon dioxide. That’s one hard working vitamin! What’s even more awesome about biotin … Continue reading

A Fast from the World

The other week a young married couple we know, were ‘fasting from the world’ for a week. What this meant for them was no internet and emails, no TV, no music, no magazines, no books and no radio. They were still in the world but cutting themselves off from the world’s influences. The idea was to send more time reading God’s Word and allow His words to permeate their lives and to spend more time relating to each other and to those around them. They had voluntarily chosen to do this in an attempt to draw closer to God and … Continue reading

Reasons to Fast

One of the most important parts of fasting is fasting with a purpose. This helps you to focus on the spiritual aspects of fasting. It can give you strength and guidance during difficult times. If you are fasting to help someone else, it can help you feel a greater lover for others. It is a great way to give service quietly. When you fast with a specific purpose in mind you should begin and end your fast in prayer. Additionally you should have an open heart throughout the day, so that you may hear any promptings you receive. If you … Continue reading

Relief Society: “Feed My Sheep”

In her talk “Feed My Sheep” Sister Silvia H. Allred speaks about visiting teaching. She opens her talk by sharing her testimony. Sister Allred then goes on to explain that as a presidency they have spent time together studying and fasting to understand the purposes of Relief Society. She explains that one way that we can offer relief is through visiting teaching. She says: “One of the ways Relief Society sisters can feed His sheep is through visiting teaching. ‘The purposes of visiting teaching are to build caring relationships with each sister and to offer support, comfort, and friendship.’ To … Continue reading

Are You Unable to Fast?

There may be a time when you are not able to fast. This could be for medical reasons or because you are pregnant or nursing. You may also want to teach your younger children the concept of fasting, but feel that they are too young to go without food. When I can not physically fast (it has been four years due to pregnancy, nursing, pregnancy and nursing again), I try to have the spirit of fasting on fast day. Here are the five things that work for me. 1) I begin my fast period with a prayer, just as though … Continue reading

How Is Your Heart?

Two types of hearts are revealed in Mark 2:18-3:6. We see a heart of compassion and shriveled hearts. Which of these do you find yourself associating with? 1. Did the people really want to know the answer to the question of why Jesus’ disciples were not fasting? verse 18. Was it a genuine question that concerned them, or more a way of stirring up dissention? Are you one who stirs up dissension and seeks to find fault as these people did? 2. Jesus did not take offence at the question about fasting, but took their words at face value and … Continue reading